Life Sciences Community home page
A place to share course materials including videos, photos, tutorials, syllabi and other tools to assist with teaching and learning across all areas of undergraduate life sciences. Please review the license information provided for each item as usage rights vary.Collections in this community
CU-EBIO 1210 and 1220: General Biology
A two-semester general biology sequence, primarily serving freshmen and sophomores intending to pursue ecology and evolutionary biology, psychology, and integrated physiology.
CU-EBIO 2040: Principles of ecology
A one-semester gateway course in ecology using a Case Study Learning approach, targeted to biology, ecology, and environmental science majors.
CU-EBIO 2070: Genetics
A one-semester, upper-division course required of ecology and evolutionary biology majors.
CU-EBIO 3080: Evolution
A one-semester, upper-division class on basic concepts in evolution, required of ecology and evolutionary biology majors.
CU-EBIO 3590: Plants and society
A one-semester, junior-level course in economic botany, with a strong focus on science process skills, including critically reading the primary scientific literature, engaging in effective science communication (writing for diverse audiences), and use of scientific argumentation.
CU-IPHY 3060: Cell physiology
Introduces the biology of eukaryotic systems at molecular, cellular, and systems levels of integration, emphasizing the complementarities of structure and function and physiological mechanisms of regulation at the cellular and molecular level.
CU-IPHY 3410: Anatomy
Upper-division anatomy (structure and function of tissues, organs)
CU-IPHY 3470 and 3480: Human physiology I and II
Two-semester sequence on human physiology for majors.
CU-IPHY 4440: Endocrinology
Upper-division endocrinology.
CU-IPHY 4600: Immunology
Upper-division immunology
CU-IPHY 4720: Neurophysiology
Describes how the nervous system controls the activity of muscles and how the sensory effects of muscle activity influence the function of the nervous system.
CU-MCDB 1041: Fundamentals of human genetics for nonmajors
Cells, mitosis, meiosis, gamete maturation and embryonic development, transmission of genes, inheritance and pedigrees, Mendel's laws, sexual development, molecular genetics, mutations, applications of DNA technology, cancer
CU-MCDB 1150: Introduction to molecular and cellular biology
Living systems, theory of evolution, water, monomers, equilibria, information flow, meiosis, scientific research skills
CU-MCDB 2150: Principles of genetics
Inheritance and pedigree, genes and genomes, phenotypoes, allele frequencies in populations, mutations, molecular genetics
CU-MCDB 3500: Molecular biology
Upper-division molecular biology
CU-MCDB 4300: Immunology
Upper-division immunology
CU-MCDB 4650: Developmental biology
Upper-division developmental biology
CU-MCDB 4777: Molecular neurobiology
Upper-division molecular neurobiology
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CU-IPHY: TA Training Materials and Outcomes
TA training materials and a poster about the impact of the training.
UBC-BIOL 111: Introduction to Modern Biology
Concepts fundamental to biological issues, such as the genetic basis of biological variation, evolution, infectious diseases, causes of cancer, population growth, and human effects on ecosystems.
UBC-BIOL 112: Biology of the Cell
The principles of cellular and molecular biology using bacterial and eukaryotic examples.
UBC-BIOL 121: Genetics, Evolution and Ecology
Principles of storage and transmission of genetic variation; origin and evolution of species and their ecological interactions.
UBC-BIOL 140: Laboratory Investigations in Life Science
Guided experimental investigations of biological questions.
UBC-BIOL 153: Human Biology
The principles of biology with particular reference to the human body (anatomy and physiology). Laboratories include selected experiments on organ physiology and general anatomy.
UBC-BIOL 155: Human Biology
The principles of biology with particular reference to the human body (anatomy and physiology).
UBC-BIOL 200: Fundamentals of Cell Biology
Structure and function of plant and animal cells; membrane models, cytoplasmic organelles, biological information from gene to protein, the endomembrane system, secretion, intracellular digestion, endocytosis, transport processes, cytoskeleton and cell motility.
UBC-BIOL 201: Introduction to Biochemistry
Biological molecules, protein structure and enzyme action, energy transfer, central metabolic pathways and their regulation. Examples drawn from plants, animals and microorganisms.
UBC-BIOL 203: Eukaryotic Microbiology
Introduction to the origin and diversity of protists (protozoa and algae) at both cellular and genomic levels, including the role of endosymbiosis in evolution.
UBC-BIOL 204: Vertebrate Structure and Function
Introduction to the vertebrate phyla and their evolution; a comparative study of vertebrate structure and function, with dissection of representative forms.
UBC-BIOL 205: Comparative Invertebrate Zoology
An introduction to the unity, diversity and evolutionary history of invertebrates.
UBC-BIOL 209: Biodiversity of Algae, Fungi and Bryophytes
Diversity, ecology, cell biology and evolutionary origins of multicellular eukaryotes, illustrated through mosses and liverworts; fungi and slime molds; and fresh water and marine algae.
UBC-BIOL 210: Vascular Plants
A comparative study of pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms, integrating form, function and ecology.
UBC-BIOL 230: Fundamentals of Ecology
Dynamics of plant and animal populations, structure of ecological communities and functioning of ecosystems. Interpretation of research results and application to environmental issues.
UBC-BIOL 233: Genetics for Life
How genetic differences determine individual characteristics, and how they are inherited, analyzed, and modified. Emphasis on genetic diversity, human ancestry, personal genomics, and cancer genetics.
UBC-BIOL 234: Fundamentals of Genetics
Genotype and phenotype, mechanisms of inheritance, genetic analysis.
UBC-BIOL 260: Fundamentals of Physiology
Principles of cellular and organismal physiology illustrated with examples from unicellular organisms, plants and animals, focusing on transport processes, water balance, nutrient acquisition and communication.
UBC-BIOL 300: Fundamentals of Biostatistics
Statistical procedures for biological research; estimation, hypothesis testing, goodness of fit, analysis of variance and regression; use of computers for statistical analysis.
UBC-BIOL 301: Biomathematics
Introduction to uses of mathematics in the biological sciences; experimental design and modelling of biological processes.
UBC-BIOL 306: Advanced Ecology
Ecology of populations, communities and ecosystems. Tests of ecological theory with experiments and application to environmental issues.
UBC-BIOL 310: Introduction to Animal Behaviour
Animal behavior from an ecological and evolutionary perspective; the methods used to study behaviour and test its adaptive significance.
UBC-BIOL 317: Weed Science
Importance, identification, dissemination and biology of weeds; preventative, cultural, biological and chemical methods of control.
UBC-BIOL 320: Survey of Algae
A survey of the algae, considering their morphology, life history, classification, and ecology.
UBC-BIOL 321: Morphology and Evolution of Bryophytes
A study of evolution, taxonomy and morphology of mosses, liverworts and hornworts with emphasis on living plants in their environment.
UBC-BIOL 322: Structure and Evolution of Ferns and Fern-allies
Anatomy, morphology and relationships of the ferns and fern-allies, with assessment of both fossil and extant taxa.
UBC-BIOL 323: Structure and Reproduction of Fungi
The evolutionary diversity of the fungi as shown by their morphology and reproductive biology.
UBC-BIOL 324: Introduction to Seed Plant Taxonomy
Introduction to seed plant taxonomy emphasizing descriptive morphology and identification.
UBC-BIOL 325: Introduction to Animal Mechanics and Locomotion
Comparative aspects of the functional design of skeletal systems and the mechanics of swimming, flying and terrestrial locomotion, with particular reference to the vertebrates.
UBC-BIOL 326: Experimental Biology of Invertebrates
Behaviour and ecology of invertebrates as revealed by hands-on experiments in the laboratory and field. Marine emphasis.
UBC-BIOL 327: Introduction to Entomology
A survey of the structure, classification and biology of insects; ecology, life-histories and insect-plant relations.
UBC-BIOL 328: Introductory Parasitology
Classification, morphology and life histories of animal parasites affecting humans and other animals.
UBC-BIOL 331: Developmental Biology
Animal development and its underlying causal principles; introductory embryology.
UBC-BIOL 332: Protistology
Cell biology, ecology, and evolution of protists; origins of multicellularity; the role of protists in micropaleontology, parasitology, and oceanography.
UBC-BIOL 335: Molecular Genetics
Isolation and identification of genes, analysis of gene structure; gene expression and its regulation in prokaryotes and in eukaryotes; developmental genetics.
UBC-BIOL 336: Fundamentals of Evolutionary Biology
Natural selection; population genetics, quantitative genetics and systematics; classical and molecular approaches to the study of evolution.
UBC-BIOL 337: Introductory Genetics Laboratory
A laboratory course demonstrating the fundamental principles of inheritance: Mendel's Laws, sex-linkage, mapping, mutagenesis, chromosome structure, developmental biology, biochemical and population genetics.
UBC-BIOL 338: Introduction to Genomics
An introduction to genome biology and applications of genomics.
UBC-BIOL 340: Introductory Cell Biology Laboratory
Experiments using unicellular eukaryotes or prokaryotes with emphasis on techniques in microscopy and cell biology.
UBC-BIOL 341: Introductory Molecular Biology Laboratory
Use of recombinant DNA techniques.
UBC-BIOL 342: Integrative Biology Laboratory
Field-based and laboratory-based investigation of organisms.
UBC-BIOL 343: Plants and Peoples
The interactions of plants and human societies: the role of people in the origin, evolution and dispersal of food, drug and economic plants, and the influences of plants on human societies. Suitable for upper-level Arts students.
UBC-BIOL 344: Human Heredity and Evolution
Relates genetic and evolutionary concepts to humans. Primarily for upper-level students in the Faculty of Arts. Credit will be granted for only one of BIOL 121 or BIOL 344. Not open to students in the Life Sciences.
UBC-BIOL 345: Human Ecology
Basics of ecology are introduced, focussing on observations of the natural world. Assignments, including a group project, consider connections between research, awareness and practical uses of ecology. Not for credit in the Life Sciences.
UBC-BIOL 346: Microbes and Society
An elementary course in molecular biology primarily for Arts students. The historical development of recent discoveries in molecular biology with emphasis on bacteria and viruses and their interaction with humans.
UBC-BIOL 347: Principles and Methodology in Biological Research
Contemporary research in the Botany and Zoology Departments; history and methodology of scientific discovery; seminars on current problems.
UBC-BIOL 351: Plant Physiology I
Mechanisms and regulation of functional processes contributing to the assimilation, transport and utilization of water, mineral nutrients and carbon by plants.
UBC-BIOL 352: Plant Physiology II: Plant Development
Introduction to the processes involved in growth and development: cell division, tissue culture, meristems, differentiation, and the action of major growth regulators, and photomorphogenesis. Emphasis on experimental approaches.
UBC-BIOL 361: Physiology of Sensory, Nervous and Muscular Systems
Excitable membranes, neural signaling and transmission; transduction and coding of sensory information; muscle contraction.
UBC-BIOL 362: Cellular Physiology
The cytoskeleton, cell dynamics, and regulation of cellular activities. Preference will be given to Majors or Honours students in Biology and Honours Biophysics.
UBC-BIOL 363: Laboratory in Animal Physiology
Experimental studies in animal physiology. Restricted to Majors and Honours students in Biology, Nutritional Sciences and Biophysics.
UBC-BIOL 364: Comparative Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Osmoregulatory Physiology
Cardiovascular, respiratory, and osmoregulatory physiology. Preference will be given to students who are in Biology, Nutritional Sciences, and Honours Biophysics.
UBC-BIOL 401: Theory of Evolutionary Dynamics
Evolution as a dynamical system based on ecological interactions. Adaptive dynamics and evolutionary game theory.
UBC-BIOL 402: Aquatic Ecology
Theoretical and applied limnology; ecology of inland water organisms in relation to physical, chemical and biological factors.
UBC-BIOL 404: Ecological Methodology
Design, execution, and analysis of ecological surveys and experiments. Practical field methods for estimating population metrics and describing community structure. Computer techniques for the statistical analysis of ecological data.
UBC-BIOL 406: Plant Ecology I
Plant community ecology including a consideration of the major approaches to sampling, analyzing and interpreting vegetation patterns. Instruction given in field work and computer analysis of field data.
UBC-BIOL 408: Principles of Applied Ecology
Principles of animal and community ecology applicable to the management of animal resources; application of statistical and computer techniques for measuring, analyzing, modelling, and simulating resource systems; problems of multiple resource use.
UBC-BIOL 409: Field Course in Ecology
A two-week intensive course in field methods used in ecology.
UBC-BIOL 410: Current Topics in Animal Behaviour
Lectures and seminar discussions on selected topics in animal behaviour.
UBC-BIOL 411: Insect Ecology
Behavioural, population and community ecology of insects. Interactions between insects and plants and the application of the principles of insect ecology to biological control of insects and weeds.
UBC-BIOL 412: Phytogeography
Description and interpretation of present and past floristic vegetational patterns; integration of evolutionary, ecological, and phytogeographical concepts. Terrestrial and aquatic plants are considered.
UBC-BIOL 413: Zoogeography
The role of physical, ecological, and evolutionary processes in determining the geographic distribution of animals including humans, with implications for speciation and conservation.
UBC-BIOL 415: Evolutionary Processes in Plants
Experimental and comparative analysis of evolutionary processes, speciation, and phylogenetic patterns in plants.
UBC-BIOL 416: Principles of Conservation Biology
Ecological basis of conserving biological diversity and ecosystem services; application of ecological theory to global and local conservation problems in the context of economic, legal, political, and social perspectives.
UBC-BIOL 417: Phylogenetic Biology
Biodiversity from an evolutionary perspective. The evolutionary (phylogenetic) tree of genetic descent that links all organisms: its reconstruction, interpretation, and implications for fields from ecology to molecular biology.
UBC-BIOL 418: Evolutionary Ecology
Ecological adaptation and evolutionary processes in contemporary populations; natural selection, variation, optimization, foraging theory, coevolution, arms races; life history theory, evolution of sex, sexual selection, evolution in managed populations.
UBC-BIOL 420: Ocean Conservation and Sustainability
An interdisciplinary conservation course with a solutions-oriented approach to marine issues, drawing from natural sciences, social sciences, business, law, and communication.
UBC-BIOL 421: Plant-Microbe Interactions
Biology and physiology of selected plant-microbe relationships. Impacts of plant-microbe relationships on society.
UBC-BIOL 423: Plant Stress Ecophysiology
Molecular mechanisms of plant responses to extreme environments.
UBC-BIOL 425: Biomechanics
An analytical approach to the study of skeletal mechanics and animal locomotion. Selected topics in the structure and properties of biological materials, the functional design of skeletons for locomotion, and the fluid mechanics of swimming and flight.
UBC-BIOL 426: Mammalogy
Natural history, behavioral ecology and conservation of terrestrial mammals. The laboratory includes classification, life histories, and ecology, with particular attention to species from British Columbia.
UBC-BIOL 427: Ornithology and Herpetology
Ecology, evolution, behavior, and conservation of birds, amphibians, and reptiles. Laboratories and field projects will focus on identification, systematics, and natural history, with particular attention to species from British Columbia.
UBC-BIOL 428: Evolutionary Morphology of Marine Invertebrates
Comparative analysis of marine invertebrate morphology from a macroevolutionary perspective. Origin and evolution of reoccurring adaptations in meiofaunal, benthic, pelagic, and deep-sea invertebrates, including their larval stages.
UBC-BIOL 430: Genome Evolution
Integration of molecular genetics and genomics with evolutionary biology. Emphasis on the evolutionary dynamics of genomes and the evolutionary implications of recent discoveries in molecular genetics and genomics.
UBC-BIOL 431: Evolutionary Cell Biology
Ultrastructure, biogenesis, and evolution of eukaryotic cells and cell organelles, including their macromolecular basis.
UBC-BIOL 432: Research Strategies and Techniques in Cell Biology
Major physiological mechanisms that define eukaryotic cells, explored through student visits to UBC research laboratories and discussion of recent scientific literature, with emphasis on the techniques and strategies that enable researchers to test hypotheses and advance new concepts.
UBC-BIOL 433: Plant Genetics
Emphasis on molecular aspects. Systems and techniques for genetic analysis in plants; isolation and regulation of plant genes; genetic dissection of plant-specific processes; transposable elements; gene transfer in plants; cytoplasmic inheritance; genetic engineering.
UBC-BIOL 434: Population Genetics
Theoretical and experimental aspects of population and quantitative genetics.
UBC-BIOL 436: Integrated Functional Genomics
Global transcript, protein, and metabolite profiling technologies and their integration; applications focus on plant functions and plant interactions with pathogens and pests.
UBC-BIOL 437: Laboratory in Animal Cell Molecular Biology
The use of recombinant DNA techniques to explore problems in animal developmental biology.
UBC-BIOL 438: Zoological Physics
Animal systems viewed from a physicist's perspective. Topics include sensory systems, energy budgets, locomotion, internal flows, physical advantages of grouping. Equivalency: UBC PHYS 438
UBC-BIOL 440: Plant Genomics
Concepts, principles, applications, and recent discoveries in genome structure, genetics, and comparative genomics in plants with a focus on economically important plants.
UBC-BIOL 441: Cell Biology of Intracellular Trafficking
Analysis of cellular organelles and the intracellular traffic between them, concentrating on mammalian cell systems.
UBC-BIOL 444: Techniques in Plant Molecular Biology
Purification and analysis of nucleic acids, electrophoresis and immunodetection of proteins. Restricted to Honours students with permission of the Head of Botany and the Biotechnology Teaching Laboratory.
UBC-BIOL 445: Darwin's Fishes
A series of computer-assisted lectures using ichthyology and the work of Charles Darwin to illustrate basic principles of biology, and their practical implementation, i.e., how biologists select research programs, generate and test hypotheses, and present their case to peers and the public.
UBC-BIOL 446: History and Philosophy of Biology
The nature of science, this history of evolutionary and molecular biology, philosophical questions about scientific methods and fundamental conclusions of biology.
UBC-BIOL 447: Principles and Methodology in Biological Research
Seminars, debates, workshops and tutorials designed to produce competence in specific areas of Biology.
UBC-BIOL 450: Molecular Adaptation of Animals to the Environment
Physiological, biochemical, and molecular strategies of adaptation of animals to environmental challenges. The evolution of genetic and biochemical systems, and their impact on animal structure and function.
UBC-BIOL 454: Comparative Animal Physiology
Selected topics in physiology emphasizing comparisons between diverse phylogenetic groups of animals.
UBC-BIOL 455: Comparative Neurobiology
Current approaches in neurobiology, from the cellular to the behavioural level, are examined using representatives of vertebrate and invertebrate nervous systems.
UBC-BIOL 456: Comparative and Molecular Endocrinology
A comparative study of vertebrate and invertebrate endocrinology.
UBC-BIOL 457: Comparative Environmental Physiology
A survey of physiological adaptions of animals to different environments.
UBC-BIOL 458: Developmental Neurobiology
Cellular, molecular and physiological aspects of nervous system development with applications to understanding adult nervous system function and neurological disorders.
UBC-BIOL 459: Neurobiology of Sensory and Motor Systems
Analysis of the mechanisms of sensory processing and motor orchestration using vertebrate and invertebrate model systems. Neural circuit structure, specialization, information coding, integration, and behaviour.
UBC-BIOL 462: Ecological Plant Biochemistry
The structure, biosynthesis, distribution and biological function of secondary plant metabolites.
UBC-BIOL 463: Gene Regulation in Development
Control of gene expression in development; the genetic and physiological basis of epigenetic determination; inductive interactions.
UBC-BIOL 464: Animal Developmental Genetics
Role of genes in embryonic development. Emphasis on tissue specific expression patterns and the role of genetic networks in establishing cell types.
UBC-BIOL 465: Diversity and Evolution of Fishes
Introduction to fish diversity, with a focus on their phylogenetic interrelationships and the evolutionary, ecological, and biogeographic processes involved in generating patterns of fish biodiversity.
UBC-BIOL 466: Applied Biology of Fishes
Physiological ecology and exploitation biology of teleost fishes; computer-based analysis and modeling of fish populations.
UBC-MICB 201: Introductory Environmental Microbiology
Prokaryotic diversity and the impact and applications of bacterial and archaeal metabolic, genetic, and growth processes in environmental contexts.
UBC-MICB 202: Introductory Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Introduction to cellular and humoral immune responses, the properties of viruses and the principles of bacterial pathogenesis.
UBC-MICB 203: Basic Microbiology Laboratory
Procedures and principles associated with isolation, characterization and handling of microorganisms.
UBC-MICB 301: Microbial Ecophysiology
Dynamics and control of prokaryotic cellular processes in response to the biotic and abiotic environment including metabolic interactions and metabolic cooperation between microorganisms.
UBC-MICB 302: Immunology
Cells, molecules, and mechanisms of innate and adaptive immunity. Antigen presenting cells and the major histocompatibility complex, T and B lymphocytes and their antigen receptors, T and B cell development, innate and adaptive immune responses against pathogens, diseases associated with aberrant immune responses.
UBC-MICB 306: Molecular Virology
Introduction to virus structure and replication. Detailed examination of selected viruses including polio, HIV and cancer-causing retroviruses. Development of vaccines and anti-viral drugs, the use of virus vectors to cure genetic diseases.
UBC-MICB 308: Paradigms in Bacterial Pathogenesis
Mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis including adherence, invasion, intracellular survival, toxins, host defenses and microbial evasion strategies, antibiotics, and vaccines. Introduction to experimental approaches used to study bacterial pathogens.
UBC-MICB 322: Molecular Microbiology Laboratory
Aseptic handling and characterization of microbes, growth properties, enzyme assays, protein analysis and plasmid isolation. Restricted to students in Microbiology and Immunology specializations.
UBC-MICB 323: Molecular Immunology and Virology Laboratory
Genetic manipulations of bacteria, introductory immunological and virological procedures, tissue culture. Restricted to students in Microbiology and Immunology specializations.
UBC-MICB 325: Analysis of Microbial Genes and Genomes
Genetic, molecular biological and bioinformatic approaches for the analysis of microbial genomes, gene structure-function and gene expression with emphasis on bacteria.
UBC-MICB 353: Food Microbiology Laboratory
Procedures and principles associated with isolation, enumeration, characterization and handling of microorganisms.
UBC-MICB 401: Environmental Microbiology Laboratory
Microbiological analysis of environmental samples using culture-dependent and culture-independent methods.
UBC-MICB 402: Advanced Immunology
Molecular basis of lymphocyte development, activation and adhesion; immunogenetics and the major histocompatibility complex.
UBC-MICB 404: Topics in Molecular Bacterial Pathogenesis
A lecture/discussion/library research course. Topics such as antibiotic resistance, pathogen genomics; host-pathogen interactions; evolution of pathogens; host responses to infection, invasive mechanisms, resistance mechanisms.
UBC-MICB 405: Bioinformatics
Computational methods to analyze genome and protein sequences to derive structural and functional information. Related topics in functional genomics.
UBC-MICB 406: Topics in Molecular Virology
Presentations, library research, paper reviews, class discussions about current research in virology. Topics such as molecular targets in viral therapy; chronic viral infection; virus-host cell interaction.
UBC-MICB 407: Viral Infections in Humans
Interactions between viruses and humans; pathogenesis; persistence and viral oncogenesis; virological diagnosis and treatment.
UBC-MICB 408: Advanced Bacterial Pathogenesis
Current and emerging themes in bacterial pathogenesis including cellular microbiology, bacterial cell biology processes and their role in virulence including secretion systems to deliver virulence factors and immune evasion strategies employed by pathogens. Development of antibiotics and resistance to antibiotics.
UBC-MICB 412: Topics in Immunological Research
Presentations, library research, paper reviews and class discussion on selected areas of advanced molecular and cellular immunological research.
UBC-MICB 418: Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
Exploitation of microbial and animal cells for the industrial production of chemicals ranging from alcohol to therapeutic proteins. Genetic manipulation of cellular characteristics, fermentation methods, patenting and governmental approval processes.
UBC-MICB 421: Experimental Microbiology
Research in microbial physiology and molecular genetics. Guided and independent laboratory projects are developed.
UBC-MICB 424: Cellular Dynamics of Pathogenic and Environmental Bacteria
Regulatory and signaling networks in bacterial cells with emphasis on how cellular and environmental cues are detected and integrated during different growth or life history stages of important pathogenic and environmental bacteria.
UBC-MICB 425: Microbial Ecological Genomics
Intrinsic and extrinsic forces driving prokaryotic genome evolution. Gene transfer; microbial species concepts; community genome structure, function and dynamics; ecological impacts of microbial genome diversity. Emphasis on problem solving and experimental design.
UBC-MICB 430: Seminar in Microbiological Literature
Student seminars on selected papers from the microbiological literature.
UBC-MICB 447: Experimental Molecular Biology
A laboratory course with a choice of independent, supervised research projects. Students develop protocols to carry out investigation of selected molecular biology problems.
UBC-MICB 449: Research Problem
A laboratory investigation in the final year of the Honours program. The results are presented in a written report, to be reviewed by oral examination.
UBC-MRNE 401: Special Topics in Marine Biology
This course will be offered, as opportunities arise, by distinguished scientists visiting at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre.
UBC-MRNE 410: Marine Invertebrate Zoology
A survey of the marine phyla, with emphasis on the benthic fauna in the vicinity of the Marine Station. The course includes lectures, laboratory periods, field collection, identification and observation. Emphasis is placed on the study of living specimens in the laboratory and in the field.
UBC-MRNE 411: Comparative Invertebrate Embryology
A comprehensive study of development of marine invertebrates available at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, including all major phyla and most of the minor phyla.
UBC-MRNE 412: Biology of Fishes
Classification, physiology, ecology, behaviour and zoogeography of fishes with particular emphasis on those in the marine environment of the British Columbia coast.
UBC-MRNE 415: Structure and Function in Marine Animals
Principles of classification, evolution, morphology, biomechanics, physiology and biochemistry will be illustrated in representatives from a variety of animal phyla.
UBC-MRNE 420: Marine Phycology
A survey of the marine algae, with emphasis on the benthic forms in the vicinity of the Marine Centre. The course includes lectures, laboratory periods, field collection, identification and observation. Emphasis is placed on the study of living specimens in the laboratory and in the field.
UBC-MRNE 425: Ecological Adaptations of Seaweeds
Morphological, physiological, genetic and reproductive adaptations of seaweeds to their environments.
UBC-MRNE 430: Marine Ecology
An analytical approach to biotic associations in the marine environment. Opportunities are provided for study of the intertidal realm in exposed and protected areas, and of beaches and estuaries in the vicinity of the Marine Centre; plankton studies and investigations of the subtidal and benthic environments by diving and dredging are envisaged.
UBC-MRNE 435: Introduction to Biological Oceanography
An introduction to the biology of oceans, with supporting coverage of relevant physics and chemistry. Emphasis will be placed on plankton biology, community structure and life histories, and influencing environmental factors. Collections will be made from sheltered inlets, through Barkley Sound to offshore waters. The course will involve both field and laboratory.
UBC-MRNE 437: Population and Community Ecology of Marine Organisms
Emphasis on interactions among organisms and between organisms and their physiochemical environment, and on biological diversity.
UBC-MRNE 440: Biology of Marine Birds
Study of interrelationship of birds and the marine environment. Census techniques and observation of birds in the field will be emphasized.
UBC-MRNE 445: Biology of Marine Mammals
Survey course covering systematics and distribution of marine mammals, their sensory capabilities and physiology, with special emphasis on the Cetacea.
UBC-MRNE 480: Seminars and Papers in Marine Science
Instruction in the critical analysis of published research papers and of oral seminars.
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